Question Types
Radio Button
Similar to a multiple choice question, one answer may be selected.
With multiple response options, more than one option can be selected for a question.
Select Box
A response will be selected from a dropdown box.
Date Field
Based on a calendar, select a singular date in response to the question.
Time Field
Choose a time between the limitations to answer the question.
Text Field
A short answer response that can be customized for the length.
Text Area
A block of space to type out a longer response for more in-depth evaluation questions.
A list of statements or questions that have scale options to choose from and worth points.
File Upload
Attach a file to a specific evaluation form.
Question Sets
Parent-Child Structure
Create question sets, sub-question sets, and more, keeping shared questions organized and accessible.
Question Management
Manage question sets by adding, ordering or renaming questions.
Grant access to the question sets to other users, easily sharing question sets while controlling security.
Easily activate or deactivate question sets to prevent using outdated ones.
Filter through question set listings to efficiently find relevant sets to use in form creation.
Question History
Keeps historical record of any modified question while also providing a simple way to update forms with a click of a button.
Add Criteria
Add criteria to rubrics to give them value.
Point Management
Powerful point management capabilities including limiting point visibility to only the creator, a multiplier to calculate the value of the grade level, the ability to add and remove grade levels, and the ability to make a grade level unavailable for selection if it does not apply to a particular criterion.
Not Applicable Column
A Not Applicable column will be added to the rubric if enabled.
Enable Validation
Rubric criteria can be set to required so that evaluators must fill them out before submitting, ensuring complete evaluations.
Comments are highly customizable with a variety of options: comments can be specific to one criteria or general, and form creators can require or omit either. If omitted, comments will be hidden when others are reviewing the form.
Create new grade levels or delete unnecessary ones.
Criteria Grouping
Group criteria together with capabilities to calculate a sub-scores, add labels or directions, and reorder the grade levels.
Add Instructions
Add in a description for each grade level on a per-criterion basis.
Omit Grading
Make a grade level unavailable for selection if it does not apply to a particular criterion.
Form Types
Different evaluation form types. Always named after who is evaluating whom.
Forms Listing
A evaluation management system that organizes and tracks upcoming, live and drafted evaluation forms.
Navigate through the Forms Listing by setting search filters.
Preview evaluations that are going to be assigned.
Print a paper copy of the selected form.
Form Creation
Streamline form creation with the ability to update or duplicate existing forms, to archive evaluation forms for future records and needs, to share form access to other users, and to view a comprehensive list of past and present version of a selected form.
Assignment Groups
Basic Evaluation
Simply select who is to be completing the form and who or what is being evaluated.
Scheduled Evaluation
Evaluations sent out automatically based on the period and schedule records the administrator selects.
Evaluators can be given anonymity to improve the accuracy of their evaluations.
Allow evaluators to adjust evaluation forms before the expiration date.
Require Release
Set evaluations to release automatically for evaluees for a streamlined evaluation process.
Manage when evaluators get notifications to ensure no evaluations go unsubmitted.
Hide Evaluation Details
Evaluation details can stay hidden, but still release an overall score.
Free Pick Evaluation
For Free Pick Evaluations, the administrator purely selects the time window, while the evaluator determines the rest.
Gives evaluator flexibility and opportunities to fill out an evaluation form multiple times throughout the year.
View a list of evaluations that have been scheduled but are not yet live.
Evaluations that are currently live and can be taken.
Evaluations that have already been taken.
Evaluations that time windows have closed and are no longer live.
About Me
Evaluations that contain feedback in regards to your performance.
Evaluation Form Details
View response details from evaluation forms of any type, including evaluations of clinical sites, courses, faculty, preceptors, and students.
Evaluation Summary
Preview scores from evaluation forms.
Evaluation Rubric Details
View rubric criteria details from any type of evaluation forms.
Frequency Reports display the amount of times certain responses were selected. For example, it’ll show the percentage of evaluators that selected “Yes” or “No” on a question or rubric criteria.
Easily get an overview of evaluation data with automatically generated visual representations.