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Efficiently measure traditionally immeasurable concepts
Implement custom rubric criteria while aligning standards
Evaluation Rubrics
eValuate+ offers the ability to include rubrics in evaluation forms. Rubrics break qualitative measures, which can be subjective, into clearly delineated criteria and associated scores to make grading more efficient, transparent, and consistent. They also give more specific feedback, helping students (or other evaluatees) understand why they received a certain score. This higher quality feedback allows for more growth, as evaluatees know with more certainty their strengths and places for improvement.
Studies show that evaluations lead to professional growth. Rubrics provide that necessary feedback for students, faculty, preceptors and sites.

By creating or implementing rubrics with custom criteria, response values, and standards, evaluations can accurately and efficiently measure concepts that do not traditionally have a number value. With the support of criteria and grade levels, rubrics provide a number grade for evaluations in both didactic and clinical phases.

The quantitative information given by rubrics can help bridge the gap between student’s estimation of their own knowledge or performance with faculty’s corresponding judgments. In this way, evaluations, especially rubrics, can help improve student learning outcomes while also improving their ability to self-assess. This skill will serve them well when they are professionals, no longer under the careful supervision of faculty or preceptors. 

For more, see these blog posts on evaluations and feedback and student success. 

Rubric Grades
Calculate the grade values within the rubrics
Customize rubrics by creating, updating, or removing grade levels
Include a column for filling out comments that can be optional or required
Color Coordinate
Brighten up the rubrics by color-coding each grade level
Omit Criteria Grade
Omit individual grades for specific rows/criteria
Add Instructions
Add custom instructions to any response choice
Rubric Options
Show/Hide Points
Choose to show or hide point values when completing the rubric.
Not Applicable Column
Apply a “Not Applicable” column if needed for the rubric.
Enable Validation
Each row of the rubric will be required when completing the evaluation.
Omit Comments Column
After completing the evaluation, the comments column will be deleted.
Include General Comments
The General Comments will be removed when completing the evaluation if enabled.
Excited to learn more?
Find out how you can use eValuate+ to create and administer customizable and comprehensive evaluations with targeted data insights and reporting.